3 Men and a Baby … Grand! Salute the Rat Pack

Posted at 1:45 pm by Peter

Broadway and Recording Artists, Brian Lane Green, Lee Lessack, and Johnny Rodgers join voices in  “3 Men and a Baby…Grand: Salute the Rat Pack”.   Recorded LIVE during their engagement at Founders Hall at Orange County Performing Arts Center.  Their harmonies are incredible and individually each one brings star-power to the stage.

Too Marvelous For Words

Posted at 1:45 pm by Peter

Award-Winning Vocalist, Lee Lessack, shines on this tribute to one of the most prolific songwriters of our time. Recorded LIVE at the Cinegrill in Hollywood.

I Know You By Heart

Posted at 1:45 pm by Peter

An Enchanted Evening: The Music Of Broadway

Posted at 1:45 pm by Peter

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