Shiny And New

Posted at 1:45 pm by Peter

With his debut album Shiny and New, Broadway performer and New York cabaret artist Jonathan Rayson brings a wonderfully eclectic combination of songs that tells a very personal story. Written by some of the 1970s’ greatest songwriters and backed by some of the Twin Cities’ finest musicians, the CD features a great variety of acoustic and full-band tracks with vocals that range from vulnerable to powerful. The natural emotionality and easy soulfulness of Jonathan’s voice combined with his musical storytelling capability is sure to completely capture any listener.

Call It Home

Posted at 1:45 pm by Peter

The highly anticipated collaboration between Seattle’s favorite composer and Portland’s leading lady has arrived. CALL IT HOME is truly a “Best of the Northwest” event filled with Richard Gray’s singular brand of contemporary musical storytelling, interpreted through the powerhouse voice of Susannah Mars. This is a must have!

Take Me To The World

Posted at 1:45 pm by Peter

David Burnham

Posted at 1:45 pm by Peter

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