— Hollywood Reporter(Frank Scheck) , Wednesday, October 22, 2003.“…..Finally, the humorous side of the art form was well demonstrated by several performers including songwriter Ray Jessel, making his covention debut at age 72. He exploited his resemblance to Albert Einstein with a number in which the famous mathematician rates his fellow geniuses and brought down the house with a mock Shirley Temple number in which the audience happily joined in the on the chorus of “Life sucks and then you die!”
— Robert L. Daniels — Variety, October 27, 2003“In his convention bow, composer-lyricist Ray Jessel performed his outrageously witty musical portrait of Albert Einstein, “Me, I’m a Genius!,” and an irreverent, but funny nod to Shirley Temple.”
— BARBARA & SCOTT SIEGEL REVIEW/CONVENTION“Songwriter Ray Jessell may have been one of the more senior entertainers on stage but he only began performing in public 18 months ago, so it’s fair to say that he was the surprise hit of the evening. In fact, he was the only singer called back for a second bow by the audience. Noting his readily apparent resemblance to Albert Einstein, Jessell sang a song that Einstein might have sung about himself (if he had been a raving egotist). The number was, if you’ll pardon the pun, pure genius. Jessel’s second song, which we presume was titled “Life Sucks and Then You Die,” had the audience singing along...”
Making his debut (at 72!) as a Cabaret performer at Hollywood's Gardenia room in April, 2002, RAY JESSEL has since played to a series of sell-out performances there, at LA's famed JAZZ BAKERY and Toronto's TOP O' THE SENATOR, in…