Posted at 1:45 pm by Peter
A leisurely walk through the Pearl Art District of Portland, Oregon led D.C. to a gallery that featured the paintings of acclaimed Portland artist Shannon Richardson. He stopped in front of one titled ‘Close Companions’ and could not stop staring into the eyes of the dark figure or noticing the embracing arm of the figure in the foreground. Accepting this combination of forces and embracing the challenge of integrating them into one personality had been occupying his thoughts and, therefore, his writing, of late. It suddenly made sense to record these recent collaborations and release them under the title of the painting – CLOSE COMPANIONS.
Posted at 1:45 pm by Peter
D.C. Anderson’s songs have been described as literate, passionate, insightful and, often, laugh out loud funny! D.C. recorded 13 of them for the new LML Music release OUR STORY ‘live’ in the studio, accompanied simply and beautifully by acoustic guitar, cello, grand piano and a stand-up bass. D.C.’s moonlighting on Broadway (THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA) and on television has lent a theatricality to many of OUR STORY’s tracks, perfectly complementing his usual smooth and subtle approach to a lyric. Noted for songs with a wide variety of unusual and fascinating subjects, D.C. does not disappoint here, as OUR STORY renders karma, the ‘Mona Lisa’, 19th Century visionary Frances Willard, ‘mystery’ shopping and forgiveness into a handsomely packaged and beautifully produced new recording.