Big Strappin’ Fag Show

Posted at 1:45 pm by Peter

Lee Lucas: An openly gay, openly HIV positive cabaret artist – was conceived in West Virginia, but, thankfully, was born in California. He began his professional career at the age of 10 and has appeared in over 30 plays and musicals. After years of working in television and film, including “Mother, Mother”, an award-winning AIDS drama with Polly Bergan and Piper Laurie, Lee made the decision to come out and work openly as a Gay artist. Consequently, he stopped working. Returning to cabaret and theater, he has since carved his own niche with Gay and Straight audiences the world over.

“No one should be able to make me both laugh and cry, and still look that good!” – Joe Morris, Drama-Logue.

Recorded LIVE at the Cinegrill in the world famous Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, Lee sings with the voice of an angel and the wit of a devil in this “cabaret for homos”. With songs by DALE GONYEA, LINDY ROBBINS & GERALD STERNBACH, and CHARLES BLOOM among others and featuring specialty material by Lee himself.

“There is something here guaranteed to offend everyone! – Show Music

What I Want For Christmas

Posted at 1:45 pm by Peter

This Is Christmas Time

Posted at 1:45 pm by Peter

This Is Christmas Time is the long awaited follow-up to Kevin Koelbl’s debut CD, Somewhere In Time. This Is Christmas Time is a collection of sixteen Christmas classics, re-imagined with a modern twist. From jazz quartets to full orchestra, traditional to contemporary, these rich and creative arrangements beautifully showcase Kevin’s pure, smooth vocals and capture the joy of the season. Kevin is backed by award-winning Los Angeles musicians, including Matt Harris on Piano, from the Tierrney Sutton Band Trey Henry on bass, Ray Brinker on drums; and on brass, Dan Higgins, and Grammy nominated Alan Kaplan and Wayne Bergeron. Added to this impressive line-up are Broadway leading ladies Heidi Godt (Mama Mia) on “Snow” and Tammy Tappan Damiano (Miss Saigon) on “Count Your Blessings,” songs from one of the most acclaimed Christmas movies, White Christmas. Kevin is excited to be premiering the new Christmas Classic – This Is Christmas Time – by singer-songwriter, Steven Santoro. A fun and sentimental easy jazz standard that will put you right into the Christmas spirit! So make a hot toddy, settle in by the fireplace, and enjoy this fresh Christmas CD!


Posted at 1:45 pm by Peter

The debut CD from Broadway and International vocalist, Kevin Odekirk, showcases several of musical theaters’ all time greatest composers, in never-before-heard songs from their unpublished catalogues.

Buy this CD to hear brand new or very rare songs from, Stephen Sondheim, Stephen Schwartz, Jason Robert Brown and many more!

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