A leisurely walk through the Pearl Art District of Portland, Oregon led D.C. to a gallery that featured the paintings of acclaimed Portland artist Shannon Richardson. He stopped in front of one titled ‘Close Companions’ and could not stop staring into the eyes of the dark figure or noticing the embracing arm of the figure in the foreground. Accepting this combination of forces and embracing the challenge of integrating them into one personality had been occupying his thoughts and, therefore, his writing, of late. It suddenly made sense to record these recent collaborations and release them under the title of the painting – CLOSE COMPANIONS.
— Siegel, InTheatre Magazine“D.C. displays a freewheeling comic sensibility!”
— Roy Sander – Bistro Bits, Backstage“…distinctive….. beautifully sung!”
— ShowMusic Magazine“A fresh new voice!”
— Stu Hamstra, Cabaret Hotline“You won’t find a finer voice!”
D.C. Anderson is a New York city based Singer/Songwriter. His CD's on the LML label feature many of his collaborations with songwriters Steven Landau, Ritt Henn, Carol Hall, Billy Philadelphia, Stephen Randoy, Elizabeth Doyle, Ricklen Nobis, David Robison, Michael Gillis,…